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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Why I Love Activated Charcoal

Yep, you read that right. I LOVE activated charcoal, and I'll tell you why. Activated charcoal is some pretty amazing stuff! It has saved us many times from some pretty awful the stomach flu. If you ever feel some sort of stomach/intestinal disturbance coming on, take a teaspoon of charcoal in some water, drink it down and you will feel SO much better pretty quickly. This is what it looks like.
One day I read all about it and it sounded so wonderful I just had to get some for our family. And I'm so glad I did! It has saved my children from having to suffer through food poisoning and the stomach flu. While others who got sick at the same time as us were spending a lot of time in the bathroom, we were recovering. We've given it to friends and family members and even have neighbors who come by sometimes for a dose! Now don't go thinking you can eat that piece of toast you burned this morning and get the same benefit. Activated charcoal has been put through a process that makes it's surface be covered with super tiny holes or pores that bacteria, viruses, and fungus stick to, and then can be carried out of the body. This is what it looks like under a microscope. It goes through your body like a little vacuum sucking up all the bad stuff!

Hospitals have activated charcoal on hand to give to anyone who has swallowed poison, as do ambulances. It can also be used to whiten your teeth and freshen breath. It's also used on the outside of the body for skin problems. This is the kind I get.
It's from a company called My Father's Healing Herbs at but you can find it in other brands in capsules, soaps, even toothpaste at health food and specialty stores. 
My bag is getting down to the last few tablespoon fulls so I just ordered a new one and thought, "Why haven't I told the world (well, my tiny, little blog-readers world) about this crazy great stuff?" So here it is, folks! And I hope you never have to use this, but, my goodness, it sure is handy if you do.
Until next time, charcoal kisses from Taniya

1 comment:

  1. Activated Charcoal is a handy remedy, and has many uses. Out here in the southwest the sun gets pretty intense most of the year. Since I am outdoors a lot, I smear a little of the stuff on my face and it's better than store-bought sunscreen. One drawback is my dogs bark at me.

    J. F.


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