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Monday, May 28, 2012

Some Time On The Ranch

When we go out to my mom's place there is always lots to see and do! She has several new families of birds.
We can't wait to see them after they're born! But they will have to stay on the look out for this guy.
He's super cute and so nice...
but he's a hunter! We got to visit the horses,
and go riding.
Mom also has a dingo that's very nice.
We ate pizza and cinnamon buns that were both homemade and an amazing salad! A good time was had by all!
Thanks Mom! Here's a pretty rose just for you. Oh already IS your rose!
Wishing each one of you a relaxing-in-the-country sort of day! Taniya

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Pizza Night!

After cooking every meal, every day, for days and days, I thought it was high time we had a pizza night!
Not sure what Luke is doing there. But he's goofy any way he can be, so I think that's why he's pulling his shirt up. Sheesh!
We also just got a Play Station 3 which everyone is super excited about (especially the boys!) So they've been having lots of fun with that.
I hope your Saturday evening is full of family and fun! Taniya

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Happy Mama's Day!

I am so thankful to be a mama! It's such a wonderful blessing to have these sweet babies to love and hug and cherish everyday. I have never learned so much or had more fun than I have with them. They make my life complete. They have made me a better person and I can't imagine life without them.Qiana was our first one.
Then along came Alani.
Then we got Luke.
And now they're growing up so fast, I'm going to enjoy every moment I have with them! Happy Mother's Day to each and every one of you who have been blessed with a child! Taniya

Saturday, May 12, 2012

A Smokey Day

Ever have a fire break out nearby? It's kinda scary. I wasn't sure if it was a house that was burning or a field close by. All I could really do is hope and pray that no one got hurt.
I ended up seeing four fire trucks go by and I knew they would get it taken care of quick!
As I got out of the neighborhood I realized it was a field. But there were houses very close over there. Very thankful it didn't affect any homes or people. (I hope the squirrels and rabbits ran fast!) Then I went home and made lasagna! It's been a couple months since I've made it and everyone was very happy.
Many blessings to each of you! Taniya

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Cool Evening

There was such a nice, cool breeze this evening I just had to be out in it! My tree, I love this tree, looks so pretty.
And Violette and Buttons were very playful. I wonder what got their attention.
It was a great time for some frisbee!
After some fun I got in the truck to get some more photos and Violette kept me company.
What a nice, little friend she is! Hope your evening was pleasant and cool as well! Taniya P.S. If you want to know what nail color I'm wearing check out my other blog!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

My Super Heroes

Today was a day full of shopping. It comes up now and then when I go out to get (hopefully) two weeks worth of food and household supplies. We usually go to a store where I can get my organic stuff like Trader Joe's or Sprouts and then good old Target.
It can get tedious going from place to place. So by the time we got to Target the kids were restless and played around with Star Wars swords and became super heroes!
They crack me up! I have so much fun with my sweeties!
Here's to happy shopping and a day full of your very own super heroes! Taniya
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