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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

A Very Merry Christmas!

Every year as the Christmas season rolls around, I look forward to being able to buy tamales. The only place I've known of to purchase them around my house is at El Pollo Loco. But this year I didn't buy ANY from them because I have a friend who makes them HOMEMADE! She sells them every year and I never knew it. So this year I bought a dozen of her chicken tamales and boy, oh boy are they wonderful!
I wish I had taken more photos but now they are completely gone, and how I wish I had more! I guess I'll have to wait until next year. Darn! Maybe that's what I should ask for next Christmas. Ha ha ha! I just realized I haven't shown you guys our Christmas tree.
My husband picked it out all on his own this year and I think he did a pretty good job! See these pretty red glasses in the photo below? Years ago they belonged to my grandmother and I remember always admiring them. Sadly, she passed away when I was fourteen. But recently my aunt found her glasses in storage and sent them to me and I'm so happy to have them! I really wanted to have them on display so I thought I'd put some silver ornaments in them for a centerpiece. It's so nice to have something to remind me of her. (In between are some candle holders that I just received in a surprise box on my doorstep for Christmas!)
There were many nice gifts to be had for Christmas this year but the best one of all was being able to spend time with my family. Having good food and great conversation. I hope this Christmas found you surrounded by your loved ones and that it was very merry and bright! Taniya

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Gold Canyon Candle Party

I know all of you have heard of Tupperware parties, right? And maybe some of you have even been to some sort of jewelry party or maybe Mary Kay. But a CANDLE party? Well, I had never been to a candle party. Had never known of such a thing...until I heard of this Gold Canyon Candle party a friend of mine was hosting. I walked in and the whole house was full of amazing scents! Her counters were covered with samples in categories like "masculine" and "fruity", and there was a whole group that smelled like my favorite...FOOD! Not food like steak and potatoes, oh no, but Toasted Coconut Macaroon and Toffee Drizzled Popcorn! Oh yeah! There were so many I liked I couldn't decide on just one. So I didn't. I bought three! And they have arrived so I can show you.
This giant one is Salted Caramel. I can't even tell you how yummy this is! I could just lick it, but I won't! Next, I got tea lights in Brown Sugar Cookie.
I light just one of these teeny things and BAM! it smells like I've been baking all day. Quite lovely. Now number three you might think is a bit strange. It was in the "Masculine" section but reminded me of growing up in Orange County with our horses because this scent is called Leather.
It smells like saddles and bridles and cowboy boots and is just great! Kinda funny they're all brown. Hee hee! I have already decided that if I go to another Gold Canyon party I'm going to get some summery scents like Sparkling Apricot or Ginger Lime. So if you haven't ever heard of this company and want to check them out, they have a website.
Here's to a brown sugar cookie scented day! See you next time. Taniya

Thursday, December 13, 2012

A Very Rainy 12-12-12

As you all know, I am up all through the night every night to care for our little paralyzed dog (who is not REALLY paralyzed because she has feeling in all her legs but just can't use them right. YET!). This is what her sweet, little face looks like when I get up to find her waiting for me.
If you don't know her story click here. I'm up about every three hours, sometimes a little more time will go by before she calls me but usually it's less than three. But each time I was up with her I heard the rain coming down outside. And I loved it! We don't get much action in the weather department in Southern California so this rain made me so happy. The sound it was making on the roof, and when it blew through the trees. It also made me feel so grateful for my warm, little house for keeping my family and me safe and dry. This morning there was big, poofy, grey clouds in the sky and the sun peeked out here and there and I drove past this great tree in my neighborhood that I wanted to share with you. It looks like a big, green, fluffy cloud, don't you think?
We have been working on building a dog wheelchair lately and as soon as we can get everything right I'll share it with you! Until then have a happy, and safe rainy So. Cal. day! Taniya

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Christmas Trees, Hurray!

I just love seeing Christmas trees outside my grocery store! Especially the ones in pots. Because they're the ones that will still have life AFTER Christmas is over!
They don't dry out or get brittle and lose their needles. They stay fresh and beautiful and keep on growing. And they smell AMAZING!!
Of course not everyone can get a living tree because they may have no yard to plant it in later. It's also more economical to buy a plastic one you use year after year.
When I was growing up we were pretty different from other families in our area. We were in the middle of the city but had property and lots of animals. Chickens, ducks, horses, even a peacock! We also had a Christmas tree in a pot that we would bring in the house year after year. As it grew my mom would transplant it into a bigger pot and we just kept bringing it inside again and again. Struggling with it's weight a little more each year! Ha ha ha!! If I can hunt up a photo I'll share it on here. So stay tuned, and may your Christmas tree, whatever kind you have, be lovely! Taniya
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