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Friday, July 5, 2013

Independence Day 2013!

This year my little family and I had not only one Independence Day celebration, but two! I must say, this doesn't happen very often, so this year was a lot of fun. Even though Clark Kent worked both days for twelve hours each, it didn't matter because the festivities were at night so he didn't miss out.
Here is my Clark and I at the fireworks show at a park nearby taken the weekend before.
We got a giant bag of popcorn, sprawled out on a big blanket, and watched the fireworks.
My little man Luke, The Popcorn Hoarder.
He had on a more festive shirt but got too hot and ditched it. Ha ha! Now for our 2nd 4th of July celebration, that was actually on the 4th, we had barbequed chicken with all the yummy extras and then headed down to the lake.
This is what Luke wore for America's Birthday.
And Alani and I. Then at night...
Our Alani being a little too affectionate for Luke's taste. They sat on the trunk for the fireworks show which was an awesome one!
These all look very far away because they were taken with my phone. But it was a great time, and the night cooled off so nicely, and as I was watching the show I was thinking about how very grateful I am to be living in this country. The free-est on the planet! And how good it made me feel to see my neighborhood with more flags flying outside homes, and so many people at the grocery store with their U.S.A. t-shirts on. It really warmed my heart, and I needed that very much. So God bless our troops, our veterans, and may God continue to bless our very special nation, everyday!

Here's a silly parting shot just for fun! I hope your Independence day was full of happiness and sparklers! Taniya

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