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Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Visit From Grandma!

My Gramsy is 96 years old and she just decided she had gone long enough without seeing some of her great grand babies! She lives in Oregon and we live in Southern California and it's been two years since we saw her. So she jumped on a plane (or pushed her walker on one!) and came down. What a fun surprise! We had a bit of a family gathering at my Mom's place (which is where Grams is staying, God bless her!) and took loads of photos.
My son, Luke, with his Great Grandma!
My sister and I with Grams. (My sister's the blonde!)
With my sissy's daughter, Ciara, on the left and my daughter, Alani, on the right. My older daughter and my sister's younger son couldn't make it but she'll be staying for awhile so they have time to see her. Here's to a nice visit with your Grams and big Grama hugs! Taniya

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

There are no ties around here, no sir! At least not this year. This year we are all about the barbeque! Our oldest got her daddy this great little set of  barbeque tools.

He already has several other tools but this one was perfect to replace some worn out pieces. Recently the hubby has been talking about wanting to grill smaller things on the grill that ordinarily fall through. So from our two youngest he got this stainless steel barbeque topper. I think it will be perfect for what he wants to do. Grilling veggies and fish I hope! Hee hee!
Oh, I can't forget to mention the jerky! What man doesn't love jerky? So to all the Dad's out there I hope you got all the hugs and kisses you can handle from your children! Or, if they're too far away, I hope you were able to talk to them for a while. May your day be blessed with your children's love! Taniya

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Socks And Puppies!

Today we ran out to do some Father's Day shopping (nothing like waiting till the last minute!) and while we were out I remembered that Alani is in need of some new socks. She wasn't with us so I got some of the kinds of socks I know she likes and took photos of them and texted them to her so she could choose the ones she wanted.
Also these.
She ended up wanting all the ones in the first photo. Kinda funny! So when we were done with our shopping and left the store, what do you think was outside? Puppies! A very nice lady was selling them for $150.00.
This lady ended up purchasing this little guy to keep her long haired dachshund company. How sweet!
This little girl was so sweet and really wanted this one but I don't think she got it. With the price and the shots and all that, it was a bit too expensive. But I think she was happy to just be able to hold them awhile! Have a puppy hugging day! Taniya

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Picking Up Grama!

My Grams moved away to Oregon a few years ago to live with one of her daughters and we haven't seen her in so long! She's 96 years old and decided to jump on a plane to come see us and I am so excited and so happy! She's my grandmother so she's my children's great grandmother! She has been talking about missing them so bad so I'm so glad she felt well enough to come down.
Waiting at the airport can be a lengthy affair so the kids were getting restless.
And being goofy.
Poor Clark Kent couldn't take any more! But finally Grams arrived and we're having a family get-together this weekend and I plan to get lots a pictures to show everyone. So stay tuned! Grama hugs to all! Taniya

Friday, June 8, 2012

Two Eggs Short

My 11-year-old son has been asking me to make chocolate chip cookies for a couple days, so today I started to make them. After I had the butter and sugar all mixed up, I realized I was short on eggs. Oh no! My husband took the truck to work and our other car is in the shop so I couldn't go to the store. But luckily I didn't have to because right in our neighborhood are Bill and Vivienne! Bill and Vivienne keep chickens and sell their eggs. So Luke and I jumped on our bikes and went straight over there to find out if they had any. And guess what, they had plenty!
Aren't they cute little eggs with those speckles? So we went back home and finished up those cookies!
We ended up with so many I couldn't fit them all in our cookie jar!
So we've decided to jump on our bikes and head back over to Bill and Vivienne's house to deliver some chocolate chip cookies made with farm fresh eggs. Have a fresh, warm, chocolate chip cookie kind of day! Taniya

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Oh My Barbie!

When I was a little girl I loved Barbies! I loved making them pretty, putting fancy clothes on them and having them go to parties. Or putting their jeans on so they could ride their little, plastic horses. Today I found my old Barbies stored away, because I can't part with them. This is the first Barbie case I got when I was very little.
This opens from the front and can hold one doll and her clothes. A few years later my sister and I each got a bigger, deluxe model.
Each of these has a "closet" with a little bar to hang the clothes up. We had a few of these Barbie hangers,
but we had WAY more clothes than hangers. So my sister and I used to make our own!
I think we cut them out of the lids from sour cream containers! Ha ha! Look what I noticed was printed on the cases...
they were made in the good ol' U.S.A.! If only more things were still made here, more Americans would have jobs. Now THAT would be great! I hope you have a Barbie kind of day and find something to smile about! Taniya
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