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Monday, January 30, 2012

Dog Walking Through the Fields!

We have a new puppy, Nikita, and boy does she love to go for walks. But they're more like RUNS! I let her go as fast as she (and I) can for awhile to wear her out a little (it hasn't worked), then we walk and I work on some training with her. She's a 5 month old German Shepherd and she seems very smart.

We also take along our Golden Retriever, Curly, who's 9 years old and tries to keep her in line.

It was a very nice walk/run but I think two a day would be better! Here's my nails for today. They kind of match the fields and trees! Haha!

The dark one is Sinful Colors in San Francisco, the lighter one Love & Beauty in Mint and good old Seche Vite to dry them in lightening speed because I'm a busy girl!

Now go outside and enjoy a lovely walk to anywhere. You'll feel better when you get back home! Taniya

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Family Sunday.

Even though we eat breakfast before we go to church, all of us are ravenous by the time it's over. So today we went to one of our favorite local places to eat. This is what I got.
This is their vegetable omelette with homestyle potatoes. This omelette is AMAZING but I can never finish it, which is such a shame. My husband, Clark Kent (not really his name but so many people say he looks like him I'll call him that here) got something off the lunch menu.

A very manly looking plate although a very small amount of food for him. So he ate the rest of my food too. I just noticed the ribs look like they're on a stick. Hahaha! It's a knife though.

Later my oldest daughter got her cartilage pierced.

This is what she calls her zen face. Oh, before I close this post I must include what Luke drew in church today.

Hope you had a nice Sunday full of family together-ness! Taniya

Saturday, January 28, 2012

What do you do in So. Cal. in January?

Well, you pick citrus fruits! Like oranges,
and lemons,

and grapefruits!

Except the grapefruits aren't mine. They are my mom's who lives in the boonies so brings things like this to my house

So I guess this means I'm selling grapefruit. Hahaha! While working with all this fruit I noticed how lovely my new nail color looks against the oranges (they are opposites after all).

One coat of NYC Pier 17 with one coat of Sinful Colors Smoking Hot on top.

Now I'm off to squeeze orange juice! Have a wonderful day! Taniya

Thursday, January 26, 2012

A Most Unusual Cat.

This is Jack's Buttons.
She's the strangest cat we've ever shared our home with. She was just a tiny thing when we got her.
We spent lots of time with her and played with her every day, but she isn't friendly and she even bites us! She only purrs when she's around our little dog Violette.

We're all hoping that we will grow on her and that someday she'll be nice to us when she DOESN'T want to be fed! Hahaha! Hope your day is filled with purring kitties! Taniya

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Can I hear it for the blue and the purple?!

From all the health news I've been reading over the past few years I've gathered that we are a country that severely neglects it's fruits and veggies. Especially the veggies! Do you know that only about 12% of the population eats enough of the purple and blue group of fruits and vegetables? Pretty terrible. And that is such a tasty group as well! So how can we all get more into our diets you ask? It's quite simple, just stroll on down to your local produce stand/grocery store and pick up one of these lovelies:
Eggplant, purple cauliflower, blackberries, blueberries, and grapes. And these are just a few! These are nutritional superstars because they are LOADED with heart healthy, cancer-fighting antioxidants! So go get some today. You will be glad you did!
Oh, and just for fun, I've included some purple nails. Check it out! They are both by Revlon. The dark is No Shrinking Violet and the light is Not So Blueberry.

Have a healthy, happy day full of fruits and veggies! Taniya

Saturday, January 21, 2012

All Hail Chia Seeds!

I have been seeing a lot of articles lately about the health benefits of chia seeds. Everyone probably knows what a chia pet is. Well these are the seeds that get spread over them to sprout, except you just mix them in your yogurt or ice cream or where ever so you can get them into your diet. I found mine in barrels that you can scoop out and purchase by the pound (or less) at Baron's Market. ( I think it's known as Sprouts in some places.) I know you can get them at health food stores too. These seeds are a great source of Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids which are so good for you! They're also high in fiber but easier to digest than, say, flax seeds. I found a suggestion in a magazine for incorporating them into your diet by mixing them with almond milk and nuts but I put some in the blender with coconut milk instead. Here's my recipe:

3/4 cup coconut milk (or almond, soy, whatever)
2 tbsp chia seeds
one banana
some stevia if you want more sweetness
Now blend it up and let it sit a minute and it turns thick. Like pudding kinda! Mmmm! Enjoy!

Have a happy chia kind of day! Taniya

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Broken pigs and a day at the park!

O.K. It's not a real pig that's broken but my favorite juice glass from a very dear friend. I dropped it while washing it and it didn't end up so well for the piggy.

But the day took a turn for the better when we went to the park to play and skate.

Alani and her dad played "football" with a water bottle. Hahaha!
Luke rode his bike,

and I rollerskated!

Lots of fun! And the sun was shining all day long. A happy day to all! Taniya

Monday, January 16, 2012

There IS blue sky...and blue nails too!

Will the sun break through on this cloudy January day?

It looks promising!
In the meantime here's a look at some nail polish by China Glaze called First Mate. The grey one doesn't seem to have a name but it came from Tilly's.

The Seche Vite is SO GREAT! A friend introduced me to it and it not only dries your nails super fast but also makes them very glossy!

Until next time! Taniya

Rainy days and morning greetings!

It's a rainy morning in So. Cal. and, as I am nearly every morning, I was greeted by my oldest daughters dog Violette. Such a nice little friend she is!

This is another new nail polish I got for Christmas because my family knows me so well! It's called Let Me Go and this is two layers. Just one layer doesn't look like it has any purple in it at all but put on a second one and the purple is noticable. And purple is MY FAVORITE!

Happy grey day and hope someone greeted you this morning with a smile!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Coppery nails and fun at my Mama's house

I got this great color nail polish for Christmas and I've never owned a coppery color before! So this is how it turned out after applying THREE coats. I think one coat would look pretty over, maybe black or a dark blue. I don't know, we'll have to experiment. But that can wait for another day because today we went out to my Mama's house/little farm to help her dig some holes for fence posts. We didn't get very far though because the ground is SO HARD! So we just had fun instead.

We visited the chickens,

hugged the kitty,

climbed a tree,

And no evil was involved in this trip, hahaha!

Hope everyone has a wonderful, nature-filled day!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Happy 2012!

I hope everyone had a safe and happy New Years! I stayed home with just my little guy (who is not so little anymore). My girls were both at friends' houses and my husband was working but we had a fun time anyway! A few things you need for a fun New Year celebration at home are some sort of sparkling beverage, some sort of chocolate, and noise makers!

Oh, and we can't forget the glittery nail polish. Lots of people around here were setting off fireworks even BEFORE midnight! They just couldn't wait. But Luke and I waited then went outside and blew our horns and they were louder than I expected. Hahaha! Lots of fun! See ya next time. Taniya
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