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Friday, January 10, 2014

Dad's Northern Adventure.

Several years ago, my dad and his wife bought a piece of property far from home. They were living in L.A. and had dreams of getting away. Really away! So they scoured the upper reaches of Idaho until they found five acres covered in cedar and pine.
For a while, Dad would make a trip up there once or twice a year to work on building the garage with a living quarters above. So they could move up, live in the garage apartment, while working on building the house.
Well, this summer their dream came true when they were able to pack their bags and head up to start a new adventure. And what an adventure it has been! There are art fairs and music festivals galore in the warm months. In the cold months there's lots of snow! They see deer and elk on a regular basis and a moose was found sleeping in their neighbors yard. They haven't seen one on their property yet but there has been evidence left behind of one passing through.
A couple nights ago they got about six inches of snow, which , being from Los Angeles, is an exciting event. They sent photos...because they know me so well and knew I would love it! Here's their pretty trees.

Maybe only Southern Californians are appreciating these photos but I am just so excited about going up for a visit. I can't wait until the house is done because then we can stay with them. They even sent a photo of the truck in the snow. Ha ha!
Here is a photo of the house. It's looks done on the outside but there's quite a bit of work left to do on the inside.

A couple days ago when this snow fell, the local news had a story about a man who robbed a convenience store of three thousand dollars worth of cigarettes. Apparently he'd left on foot because all the police had to do was follow his footprints in the snow and they led straight to the robbers house!
I hope this post brightened your day! Come on by now and then to see what we're up to over here. See you soon! Taniya

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