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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Throwback Thursday: Our Grand Canyon Adventure!

Once upon a time (about 10 years ago), Clark Kent and our three little ones traveled to the Grand Canyon.

 And is it ever GRAND!! If you have never had the opportunity to go, I highly recommend it. It's a most amazing sight. Photos are just not the same as actually being there. My lovely friend, Dawn, and her husband and family, went too!
There's Dawn on the right. And that's me and little, tiny Luke.
Here's my handsome Clark Kent with two of our babies. Look at that amazing canyon in the background!
On our way there we had stopped in the woods to eat lunch. It was a long drive! Here's our oldest, Qiana (I don't know why she's wearing gloves) with Alani, who is holding a big cookie.
This is the cutest picture with little Luke peeking out of his daddy's jacket! It was October when we were there and it was chilly. We actually got a little snow! But it didn't stick around very long.
So this was our Grand Canyon adventure! I would love to go back some day. I think I would even love to live there! So beautiful, so peaceful. 
Happy Thursday everyone, and SMILE! Tomorrow is Friday! 
See you soon. Taniya

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