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Thursday, February 28, 2013

Throwback Time!

Yes, it is Throwback Thursday. So I hunted up an old photo to share of...can you guess who?
It's my Mama with me in the middle and my sister on the left. We used to go to this park alot when I was little, and this day we're having a picnic! It was very close to a Ralph's grocery store where we always shopped, so my sister and I called it "Ralph's Park". In the background you can see all the play equipment and behind the swings is a BIG rocket. At least it was super big to me and I was always afraid to go all the way to the top. I would climb up and get very close but never went to the top platform. I wonder if it's still there! Kinda funny because in a few years I loved climbing trees so much and would go as high as I could. Happy Thursday everyone! Taniya 

Friday, February 15, 2013

Rainbow Rose

Have any of you ever seen one of these amazing roses?
Well, I never had and I think it's just so beautiful!! My husband had the florist make up this lovely bouquet yesterday for Valentine's Day and he had them add one of these roses because he thought it was "Cool". They make them by splitting the stem and putting each section of stem in a separate bit of colored water. The rose takes a drink and BOOM! colorful petals. Here's the whole bouquet.
I love that he picks a big jumble of all the flowers he knows I like and has them all put together. He's pretty amazing! Have a rainbow rosey day and thanks for stopping by! Taniya

Monday, February 11, 2013

Zoya Free Nail Polish Deal

Don't get too excited because it's over for now, but this was a great deal! Every year in November Zoya has a super cool offer. You can order three of their awesome nail polishes and get them for FREE!!!! Yes, really! You can even pick your own colors. Super fun! So after a few weeks this is what I got in the mail.
And these are the colors I picked.
From left to right: Trixie, Areetha, and Zuza.
They literally have hundreds to choose from so this was not easy! So later this year be on the lookout for Zoya's amazing free polish offer through their Facebook page and you, too can have some of these babies without paying anything but shipping. You know what else is great about these polishes? I know the top picture is a bit blurry but it says, "The "Healthy" New Color of Fashion" because they're free of the bad for you ingredients like formaldehyde, toluene, camphor and are vegan friendly! Wa-hoo!! To check these out on my nails visit my other blog here. Thanks for stopping by! Taniya

Saturday, February 2, 2013

What Are YOU Doing For Superbowl Sunday?

Have any plans for Superbowl Sunday? Oh I'll just bet you do!
Well around here we will be having lots of chips and salsa,
probably some deviled eggs,
and a big crock pot full of...well...I'm not quite sure yet. But something hearty, filling, tasty, full of veggies AND meat and just so stinkin' yummy it won't last long! Just in case you are someone who doesn't care one pip about Superbowl, you can still have something pretty fantastic to celebrate tomorrow and that's National Carrot Cake Day!!! HURRAY!
If this carrot cake looks amazing to you like it does to me, you can get the recipe here. I, for one, plan on making this baby! My husband is CRAZY for carrot cake and I have the feeling that this recipe will be fabulous! So throw a football, have a piece of carrot cake and think of me wishing you a wonderful Sunday! Taniya

Friday, February 1, 2013

A Yummy Green Smoothie!

Happy February!! Just because the month of January is behind us doesn't mean you forget all about that New Year's resolution to eat healthier and take better care of yourself. I am here to help with a super easy and quick way to get some extra servings of fruits and veggies! Yes, it's true, there really IS a green drink that's not only good for you but that you're going to like! But it may not be considered a true "green" drink because there are no leafy greens in it. (Unless you add a few spinach leaves like I do, that I can't even taste.)
This was mine from yesterday. This is how it looks according to the recipe below.
 Blend together 1 avocado, 1 banana, 1 cup orange juice, 1/4 cup plain Greek yogurt, 1 Tbsp. honey, & 1 tsp. grated fresh ginger. Add 2 cups ice. Blend until smooth.
 Now, I didn't use the ginger because I didn't have any more. Which didn't make any difference to me, it was wonderful! This smoothie has at least three servings of fruit and remember, you can add whatever extra goodies you want to get closer to your seven a day! Mine turned out more yellow than green so maybe it depends on how green your avocado is. Ha ha ha!
I was given some pretty sunflowers by my lovely friend and neighbor so thought I would have them in the photo.
Then my kitty got very curious.
This smoothie makes a great, quick breakfast for those of you in a hurry in the morning or for any time during the day. Hope you enjoy! Now let's drink to a happier, healthier year! Taniya
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