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Saturday, February 2, 2013

What Are YOU Doing For Superbowl Sunday?

Have any plans for Superbowl Sunday? Oh I'll just bet you do!
Well around here we will be having lots of chips and salsa,
probably some deviled eggs,
and a big crock pot full of...well...I'm not quite sure yet. But something hearty, filling, tasty, full of veggies AND meat and just so stinkin' yummy it won't last long! Just in case you are someone who doesn't care one pip about Superbowl, you can still have something pretty fantastic to celebrate tomorrow and that's National Carrot Cake Day!!! HURRAY!
If this carrot cake looks amazing to you like it does to me, you can get the recipe here. I, for one, plan on making this baby! My husband is CRAZY for carrot cake and I have the feeling that this recipe will be fabulous! So throw a football, have a piece of carrot cake and think of me wishing you a wonderful Sunday! Taniya


  1. Hubbies are crazy about sugar.


    BY Jody Farmstead

  2. All of the goodies look very yummy! Mmmmm.



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