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Friday, February 1, 2013

A Yummy Green Smoothie!

Happy February!! Just because the month of January is behind us doesn't mean you forget all about that New Year's resolution to eat healthier and take better care of yourself. I am here to help with a super easy and quick way to get some extra servings of fruits and veggies! Yes, it's true, there really IS a green drink that's not only good for you but that you're going to like! But it may not be considered a true "green" drink because there are no leafy greens in it. (Unless you add a few spinach leaves like I do, that I can't even taste.)
This was mine from yesterday. This is how it looks according to the recipe below.
 Blend together 1 avocado, 1 banana, 1 cup orange juice, 1/4 cup plain Greek yogurt, 1 Tbsp. honey, & 1 tsp. grated fresh ginger. Add 2 cups ice. Blend until smooth.
 Now, I didn't use the ginger because I didn't have any more. Which didn't make any difference to me, it was wonderful! This smoothie has at least three servings of fruit and remember, you can add whatever extra goodies you want to get closer to your seven a day! Mine turned out more yellow than green so maybe it depends on how green your avocado is. Ha ha ha!
I was given some pretty sunflowers by my lovely friend and neighbor so thought I would have them in the photo.
Then my kitty got very curious.
This smoothie makes a great, quick breakfast for those of you in a hurry in the morning or for any time during the day. Hope you enjoy! Now let's drink to a happier, healthier year! Taniya

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